Bosch Facility EN
Reference identifier Bosch Facility
This landing page (navigation help) documents all relevant definitions, standards and specifications for the Bosch Facility Equipment Identification Key and the file naming convention.
Project description
These regulations apply to all trades and their documents and markings. At the start of the project, these are made available to the planning departments and, if necessary, adapted / extended for the project. At the respective project start, reference is made to a version of the EIK and the file release. It can be permanently retrieved in this status and compared with the current status.
Project manager Bosch:
- Christian Bruns
- Jan-Lukas Gehl
- Thomas Sigloch
- Thomas Walter
Project manager external:
- Michael Kastl / ibKastl GmbH
- Johann Weiher / ibKastl GmbH
Version history of pages:
Structural changes
- +Location - Digits counter > Third level added to the counter (2023-05)
- =JK - Power distribution system > Grouping introduced (2023-04)
- =KH - Transformer system > Grouping introduced (2023-04).
- =HG - Power supply system > Grouping introduced (2023-04).
- ==H - Cooling and/or heating system > Grouping introduced (2023-04).
- =KC - Filter system > Grouping introduced (2022-10)
- =HF - Ventilation supply system > Grouping introduced (2022-10).
- =JJ - Air distribution system > Grouping introduced (2022-10)
Bosch Equipment Identification Key
- Installation site (++)
- Functional assignment (==)
- Function (=)
- Mounting location (+)
- Product (-)
Further information
Bosch file naming convention
- Installation site (++)
- Functional assignment (==)
- Function (=)
- Document type (&)
- Grid square reference
- Contractor Index
- Free text
- Page (/)
Reference identifier (EIK)
Example compressor compressed air
File naming convention
Example data sheet compressor air
Article status
Applied standards
Document type
- DIN EN 61355 Rules and tables for classification
- IEC 81346-1 General rules Draft
- IEC 81346-2 Classification of objects and identification letters for classes NEW: 2020-10
- IEC 81346-2 classification scheme for inherent function of objects
- IEC 81346-2 Classification of rooms
- ISO 81346-12 Buildings and technical building equipment
- ISO 81346-12 Functional system classes#Classes of functional systems based on inherent functions
- ISO 81346-12 Functional system classes#Classes of technical systems based on inherent functions
Data point
- DIN EN 61175 Marking of signals